We’ve had a while to get used to this in CA.
Unfortunately our pathetic state is usually a harbinger for the future. Look at CA and you will see the future of the nation unfortunately.....will lead to bankruptcy, government dependence, and union control of everything.
Not to say this about white versus nonwhite. Some of the most blue states in the nation including IA, WA, OR, VT, RI, MA, NH, ME, MN, WI, CT are lily white.
Massachusetts? Hardly. Only within the Rt. 128 beltway. Everywhere else, browner and browner. And no English skills.
Almost no whites play the knockout game or flash rob. If you think blacks and whites are the same...you’re wrong. Blacks are excessively violent and have no impulse control.
Connecticut is not exactly lily white. Hartford is black. New Haven is black. Bridgeport is black. A number of smaller towns and cities have huge Pureto Rican populations. The generous welfare benefits have been a big draw going back 4 or more decades.
Connecticut is not exactly lily white. Hartford is black. New Haven is black. Bridgeport is black. A number of smaller towns and cities have huge Puerto Rican populations. The generous welfare benefits have been a big draw going back 4 or more decades.
Color/race doesn’t matter as long as you love this country and its constitution. That is the problem.
I live in WI. No, we are not lily white and even the rural areas that used to be so are experiencing an influx of urban minorities. This is after the influx of Somalis and Hmong brought in a decade or so ago by the churches. So, in towns of 50k or so, we now have Hmong gangs fighting black gangs. In the town nearest us, population 4k, there are enough blacks that it is no longer a rarity. I hear the social workers in Milwaukee and Madison advise the single moms that 1) it is safer here and 2) the benefits are better.