After all, there were some 80 million people who were eligible to register and vote, who didnt bother. If every conservative made it their mission between now and 2014 to find ONE unregistered conservative and get them to vote, we would sweep the elections in 2014.
But while we have been fighting over who our conservative flag-bearer would be, and chortling about how we have radio shows and web sites, the democrats have spent the last 8 years doing exactly that going door to door, getting EVERY democrat to find another one.
They blanketed college campuses. Every time I visited my daughter and we walked through the campus, at least one person would ask us if we were registered, and if not would we. They had events with food, tables with 50 people in line waiting to register and vote, events with locally known musicians.
And then they collected all those names, and went back to every one to make sure they either voted absentee, or that they had rides to the election polling places.
In places where republicans have good grass-roots efforts, we did fine in 2012. But we really have lost our ability to reach out to new voters and get them to the polls.
Of course, its a lot easier to hit the high-occupancy areas like inner cities and college campuses, and the democrats have spent 30 years converting their party to the party that caters to the city-dwellers and the young college types. It is like they dont do principles, they just want power, and they tailored their entire political philosophy to reach the easiest-to-reach voters.
Shhhhh! You're going to disturb the armchair quarterbacks around here like "little jeremiah," who would much rather persuade conservatives to spend their attention and energies on whatever theoretically "easy" but utterly useless rathole is fashionable at the moment.
Obama's birth certificate is a forgery! We don't have access to his college transcript! It takes two citizen parents to make a natural born citizen! There was massive voter fraud!
Anything to distract conservatives from doing the kind of work you described, which might actually give us a chance of winning elections.
But you know that if you don’t agree, you are a leftist troll or a libtard.
Always a pleasure when I wander into you on a thread, btw.