No we won the House of Representatives and now we want to show our power. Boehner is a big baby. We want him removed and we want no debt ceiling increase. We want no revenue increase. If we go over the cliff— fine. at least we stood our ground. All the representatives we elected promised spending cuts and no revenue increases and that is what we want now that we WON .
That's fine, so long as everyone understands that taxes will go up dramatically, the GOP will be blamed for engaging in (arguably) destructive brinksmanship in service of the “rich” and probably for the tax hikes too, and the economy will be thrust back into recession. What will not happen is the achievement of your stated goals: no higher taxes, no additional revenues.
I submit that we should go over the cliff and do it on the basis of principle. That is, stating clearly that we support low taxes and limited government. But if the Left insists on the maintenance of a bloated, unrestrained government it must pay for it, too. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
It amazes me that citizens of a free republic must learn the lesson once again that collectivism in all its guises is a recipe for disaster. But, learn it we must and the only way to do that is to give the people what they want, good and hard.
I am reminded of the famous quote from The Sun Also Rises. Asked how he went bankrupt, the spendthrift British toff, Michael Campbell replies, “Two ways, gradually and then suddenly.” The U.S. is in the gradual phase. The sudden phase will come like a thief in the night. We all will be better served if we arrest him before he strikes.
Conservatives must begin to prepare for that day as our civilization and hallowed republic are in peril. Pointless exercises in demonstrating our power (really impotence) that are destined to fail are merely empty gestures paving the way to self-destruction.
Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh can rail away at RINOs and so forth all day long as they are merely entertaining a paying audience. God bless them. But men like Boehner must actually take responsibility for their actions. Don't be too quick to condemn a responsible party for not following the advice of dilettantes.