Really? When the dems and GOP change aides/staff like socks?
That 10 election sure put the fear of God in all of’em huh?
Is it more logical to take the limited resource of conservatives and apply them to fighting a party to the proverbial death or is it more logical to take the limited resource and start fresh devoting all of it to advancing our agenda?
Simple math.
You have made many posts I greatly respect and agree with. But this thread, you obviously have not thought it through. This latest GOP abortion did not happen in a vacuum. It is the culmination of their purge. And for whatever reason, you deny the forest for the trees.
All your takeback plan lacks is our own printing press for money, our own MSM for PR and an opposition not willing to slash and burn our team.
All my plan lacks is enough people to reverse a bad case of recto-cranial inversion and admit what the facts show to be the case.
The sace the GOP saves what exactly? It’s a broken commodity that everyone hates.
EDit: ‘The sace the GOP saves what exactly? “ should be...
The idea of saving the GOP saves what exactly?