Searched google, A7 and Haaretz, and there is no mention of a Moshe Auerbach, and what he's supposed to have done to be black-balled from Yesha. If he's such an activist, why is he not in the news until now?
To: Eleutheria5
But the traitors from B’Tselem are permitted to roam wherever they please. Disgusting. Israel is no longer worthy of Joshua.
2 posted on
12/03/2012 3:15:47 PM PST by
To: Eleutheria5
Kicked entirely out of Israel or just certain zones? Was he eligible to be a citizen of Israel? In America this would sound strange, like being banned from California, and we’d expect there to have been a court case about it, not just some bureaucracy’s order.
3 posted on
12/03/2012 3:18:51 PM PST by
HiTech RedNeck
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