Not sure why this question. Adam blamed God and that woman for deliberately breaking the direct command from God. I consider the Garden Party illustrative of the condition we in flesh bodies have when it comes to our willingness to go along to get along.
Look how many hoops you have to jump through to make Genesis 1 and 2 say what you need them to say rather than taking them as a macro view of the creation of the entire universe followed by a focus on Adam, Eve and the garden?
I did not write these hoops. Usually students are instructed to read with comprehension, not inject their own ways of thinking. I did not write in Genesis 2:5 there was NO man to till the ground. Wonder why God would have the need after everything else He had Moses pen suddenly decide to inject that bit of information after everything else He had Moses write about what He had already done. Maybe there will be a pop quiz on judgment day, with the question 'have you never read'?, you don't see that humans choosing to sin in the beginning is crucial to Christian theology?
And you're saying it's impossible that Genesis 1 is a macro and Genesis 2 is a retelling of Day 6?
Do Genesis 1 and 2 Contradict Each Other?
Occam's razor is not friendly to the hypothesis you're advancing.