If you go back to the first year of the administration and the various overseas trips of Geithner, there was that trip to Germany where he wanted to advise them on the way to economic recovery. After the trip....the general comments made by those in attendance was that Geithner didn’t know much about national economic policies or historical trends in moving an economy back to ‘normal’. They didn’t come out and say it....but you got the impression they felt they were dealing with some college professor who never did real economic planning in life.
I doubt if any meeting with him in attendance amounts to much. He’s like Ms Rice....he’s just there to mouth talking topics and not much else.
I don't know why you would say that ..... our hothouse affirmative-action _Resident has surrounded himself since Day One with rock-solid performers with long resumes positively bulging with accomplishment.
an audience of Chinese also laughed at Geithner to his face, as I recall
just like the commercial the GOP ran during the campaign