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To: neverdem
From the full article as well:

"Altogether, epidemiological studies at this stage provide an incomplete, sometimes discordant appraisal of the relationship between fructose or sugar intake and metabolic/cardiovascular diseases. Part of the discordances may be explained by the fact that intakes of sugar, fructose, fruit juices, or sweetened beverages were often not recorded individually, which precludes an accurate calculation of total fructose intake. In addition, fructose is essentially consumed as either sucrose or HFCS, with the consequence that glucose intakes essentially varies with fructose intake. Confounding factors (i.e., interrelationship between sugar intake and intake of other nutrients, association with physical activity and life-style) are important and difficult to control for. At present, there appears to be strong evidence that consumption of sweetened beverages is associated with obesity, at least in children and adolescents. There is at present not the single hint the HFCS may have more deleterious effect on body weight than other sources of sugar. Regarding the relationship between fructose or sucrose intake and cardiovascular risk factors or type 2 diabetes, the evidence is even sparser. Given the number of confounding variables, there is clearly a need for intervention studies in which the fructose intake of high fructose consumers is reduced to better delineate the possible pathogenic role of fructose. At present, short-term intervention studies however suggest that a high-fructose intake consisting of soft drinks, sweetened juices, or bakery products can increase the risk of metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. There is, however, no objective ground to support that moderate intake of fructose, or of fructose consumed with fruits or honey, is unsafe."

I can see why you didn't want to print the whole abstract. There's enough indirect evidence.

You dishonor yourself with such snidery. Goodbye, Sir.

93 posted on 11/28/2012 8:54:33 PM PST by facedown (Armed in the Heartland)
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To: facedown

If you consume concentrated forms of fructose - in sugar, juices, starches - you are killing yourself. Period.

95 posted on 11/28/2012 8:59:36 PM PST by Royal Wulff
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