Of course it’s Republicans fault. Republicans are just a bunch of angry old white men. Definitely not cool. So, if something bad happens, it’s got to be those uncool people that did it.
Americans are so freakin’ stupid, they have no idea what the fiscal cliff is, or how it will affect them, but they know Republicans are to blame.
I hate the public, and I’ll enjoy watching them suffer.
“Americans are so freakin stupid, they have no idea what the fiscal cliff is, or how it will affect them, but they know Republicans are to blame.”
ALL of my many in-laws fit into this category. They only read the NYTimes (if anything) and watch MSNBC. They get angry if you criticize Obama or Democrats and they blame EVERYTHING on Bush/Republicans.
What do you expect? Most Americans today are the products of 12 years of public indoctrination at the hands of union-controlled leftist morons. And, you expect them to think for themselves?? They have been programmed to thoink as only leftists "think"!