I'm some. Americans did not elect the Food Stamp King with 8% unemployment that is actually 12% or more. Nope, they didn't. Americans didn't elect the pro Sharia Law president who doesn't know a terrorist attack when he sees one. Nope, they didn't. Americans didn't elect the 'race baiter' President who's driven deep divides between all the protected classes and mainstream America. Nope. Americans didn't elect a president who's actively engaged in killing the private sector, using his union bosses to do the job. No way.
Something evil went down at most polling places in only the swing states, isn't that funny? ONLY the Swing States. Imagine that? Didn't Romney win in every state with voter I.D. laws? Hmmmmm.. Add a 'nothing to see here folks' to the prior four year long list as a preface to the following list of 'nothing to see here folks' okay?
While I agree Romney is not a 'conservative' in the Tea Party sense, he was a heck of a lot better candidate with a MILLION times better campaign operation than McCain and sent 0bama reeling, even forcing him to go into 'illegal credit card donation' mode when it came to fundraising. Don't you get an eerie feeling that something VERY CROOKED happened in this election after watching this video OF Romney IN A STATE HE LOST; PENNSYLVANIA (PITTSBURGH, REALLY)???:
http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2012/11/thats-when-you-know-youre-gonna-win/ (Scroll down to watch video)
Why would we expect a man who uses a STOLEN birth certificate, STOLEN social security numbers and a FORGED selective service card to preside over a FAIR election? There is absolutely no justification for expecting anything other than massive voter fraud, given 0bama's track record (0bamacare passage, F&F criminal contempt, The 'Arab Spring' LIES AND DECEPTION (Sharia Law masquerading as 'Democracy'), Benghazi cover-up, etc, etc.) and EXTREMELY CLOSE PARTNERSHIP WITH UNIONS NATIONWIDE.
Mitt Romney was the wost the GOP could have offered
GOOGLE Arab Americans for Romney
GOOGLE one of the names on that list:
Her husband and HER ALSO have been connected to CAIR, the Muslim Brotherhood, MSA, ISNA, and to her even greate shame, Samah norquist is one of the signatories of the Ground Zero mosque
and Romney accepted her and her Jihad friend’s endorsements
our nation is infiltrated at the highest levels, it is time to repent and get right with God, judgement is upon us
Actually Obama won in Virginia, a voter I.D state, with massive fraud of course.
And don’t forget obama’s other bedfellow....IN-Justice Roberts.