As long as Conservatives are ruled by the GOP, the GOP dies. Yeah, yeah, I know the argument about a Third Party. But there is a future with a Third Party. There is oblivion with the GOP.
Electoral votes won by "Third Party" candidates"
1984 to 2012 = ZERO
The truest words yet spoken on this thread.
Tuesday at the RNC in August should have illustrated this fact with crystal clarity . Too many are mentally enslaved to a paradigm that no longer exists because they refuse to believe that the GOP is nothing more than a satellite party of the Democrat MarxoFascists.
This election and the aftermath of blame upon the Conservatives by the Ruling Class Establishment, AFTER they force-fed us THEIR approved candidate - is all the proof any logical thinking person needs to understand that what RightwardHo wrote in brevity - is in fact, pure truth.
The GOP will move further Left - as evidenced by the Establishment lecturing about how it needs to 'reach out' (i.e.: surrender and pander) to the constituencies and programs already championed by the MarxoFascists.
What the GOP is saying, is that if they ever want to win elections again - the GOP must adopt Liberal Socialism in order to compete with the MarxoFascists for their slice of the conquered pie that used to be America.
There is no future in the GOP for Conservatives. None. And there's no possibility to take the party over from within, that has been tried and has failed and Tuesday at the RNC ensured no grassroots Conservative will EVER be able to gain control of their party.
If Conservatives want a voice - they must separate from the plantation party, or enter oblivion.