Yada yada yada... I don't need to start anything. You posted what I consider ignorance, I responded with my opinion. We all have one, you know! God can be my Judge.
Truth was spoken here, according to MY Bible, thanks! I directed the comments about the Roman Catholic Church. Any members that love God, our Redeemer, are brethren (and sisteren ) of mine. If you wish to debate me with an actual Scriptural basis, take a number. I'm sorry your feelings may be hurt (not!).
You can study your catechism all you wish, but it won't get you through the Pearly Gates! If you attend services 14 times a week, it won't open those gates. If you go into your closet to pray, then there may be hope for you.
Only the Blood shed on the cross accomplishes that. Study the role of "Goel" and thank God, not your elegantly attired priests! I am one of Christ's kinsmen, chosen by Him, grafted like a tree limb. You can join us, or continue to blindly listen to your teachers. Being part of an organization is no security.
You are welcome to be an exception!
On a final note, I have already been paddling this morning... but thanks for the encouragement! I'll be back on the water tomorrow. At 65, it is a simple pleasure.
At 65 you’re still getting paddled?