A lot depended on how tall you were in relation to the person you were greeting. I remember my hands were at the top of my chest or higher, depending on who I met in Cambodia during the war.
I know that I greeted Buddhist monks with a bow (because of my height, 6’2”) so my hands ended up at my face level. Other officials I greeted from President Lon Nol and Foreign Minister Sarik Matak, were either chest high or a handshake.
Nobody seemed to mind where I placed my hands. They were glad to see an American (journalist) who was trying to help them defeat the communists. I even got saluted by a Cambodian soldier because I was wearing jungle khakis and boots. I returned the salute as a courtesy.
I’ll give Obama a pass on this one unless State Dept. Protocol officers did show him the right way to greet a Cambodian official.
Obama greeted her properly - she greeted him as a servant.
No wonder the guy in the middle is laughing - she just insulted Obama in front of Millions in SE Asia on purpose.
Read the article for the numerous verbal gaffes Obama made as well, which the US Obamedia ignored.
More lying by omission by the MSM.
Interesting to hear about your experience, MM.
Obama actually had it right, it’s the other party that is dissing him. But I’m going to back off what I said anyway, because apparently it’s not the exact same greeting as the Thai wai.
My Wife’s from Cambodia. Been through the Pol Pot crap.
Been here 22 years, saw her Dad shot to death, saw her Mom starve to death & she was left for dead, given 1 tablespoon of Rice to “last a week”.
She is sooooooo grateful to be here, a USA Citizen, very Patriotic, HARD worker, super nice & a fantastic cook, learning from her Mom on a farm that got destroyed.
The stories she has........ Uh.