He forgot Dodd and Frank. Sorry, but my bs meter went off the minute I saw that smug arrogant face.
The man is as clueless as Krugman.
I agree with that Dodd and Frank should be at the top of the list. I also nominate Pelosi and Reid. They had a majority for four years and ran up the numbers with no hesitation.
For that matter, all democrat Senators and Congressmen as well as their voters share large blame in this. Where did we get the idea that the Federal Treasury was Santa Claus with an infinite bag of goodies. What percentage of recipients don’t need all of what they are taking and/or have lived irresponsibly causing their own downfall?
I had stopped reading any article with Nutting’s mugshot on it, but this article just looked too ridiculous to pass.
Lefty white guy wth a beard talking about the economy. It is Krugman without the smugness.
After Bill Clinton, I thought it would be Greenspan. Bang! Stopped reading after that.