:) Israel is the hope of the world. And there is nothing new under the sun.
What an interesting paradox we are living in during these times. America was granted God’s grace to be a leader in this world much like Israel was and will continue to be.
Now, due to a lack of vision and divine guidance, America has lost her way and is come under the grip of oppressive and dark forces. Israel however, will regain also her footing and emerge victorious to stand against these dark forces.
Ephesians chapter 6 warns that, “our battle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and rulers of this dark world”.
Isn’t it ironic that as Israel is heeding her calling, America is strayed and is now playing the whore on the world stage, moreover is tolerating and fomenting anti-semitism, a dangerous proposition and as a result, America is no longer “one nation under God”, but more of a wayward child that will invoke judgement and provoke the living God to anger.
It would be a terrible thing for the Lord to turn His face against America. Ultimately, this will happen and America will forge alliances with Egypt and Babylon, instead of humbling herself and turning to God, and these will alliances will result in her desolation.