“While I understand the sentiment, we must hold the Second Amendment higher than than voting history,”
The second amendment does not require any gun retailer to do business with anyone. Leftist democrats are completely free to open a gun store too. Nobody’s second amendment rights are imperiled when a man will not sell a gun to a person who voted for Obama. Obama has a stated goal of ending the firearms ownership.
The right to keep and bear arms is a constitutional right and the right to purchase, lawfully, firearms and ammunition is, as a reasonable person would see it, a civil right.
Not selling a product to a person on the basis of political affiliation runs against all that, does it not?
Slightly changing the topic, I want to take Dems and gun grabbers shooting, and encourage them to own a piece (for home protection). They just might learn that gun ownership is a solid comfort (as we know), and asking anti-gun folks to take a few steps in our shoes is more likely to convince them than all the verbal arguments we might have.