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To: sheikdetailfeather

It’s jarring that while RINO Romney is telling the truth like a conservative, the rest of the 2016 contenders are blowing smoke like a bunch of libs.. if this continues boy are we in for another disapointer in 2016..hell, if that’s the case is rather have Romney again.... I really really hope this is not the case.

7 posted on 11/17/2012 10:17:13 AM PST by SSDecontrol
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To: SSDecontrol

Don’t believe Romney will run again. The entire Republican party decided that King Obama was a better choice so they sat on their collective asses and did nothing much to at least get the White House. GOP is as bad as the Democratic Party and many of the republican voters are pure crazy to have gone the route they did. Now they will bitch while King Obama and the Senate kills America.

20 posted on 11/17/2012 10:50:28 AM PST by Logical me
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To: SSDecontrol

Romney never belonged in republican politics, it is easy to see why he chose to run in Massachusetts instead of Utah, which he considered before settling on the state that was closest to his politics.

Too bad he chose to register republican in October of 1993, after having left the party because of it’s conservatism and his coming to support only democrats, including fund raising and voting democrat, and of course the fund raising for Planned Parenthood.

“I think Bill Weld comes as close as anyone,” Romney said when asked whom in his party he aligned with.

“I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush. I’m not trying to return to Reagan-Bush,”

“I’m not a partisan politician. My hope is that, after this election, it will be the moderates of both parties who will control the Senate, not the Jesse Helmses.”

*“My position has been the same throughout my political career, and it goes back to the days of 1970,” he said. “There was a woman who was running for political office, U.S. Senate. She took a very bold and courageous stand in 1970, and that was in a conservative state. That was that a woman should have the right to make her own choice as to whether or not to have an abortion. Her name was Lenore Romney, she was my mom. Even though she lost, she established a record of courage in that regard.”*

“These guns are not made for recreation or self-defense. They are instruments of destruction with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing people.”

38 posted on 11/17/2012 2:21:55 PM PST by ansel12 (The only Senate seat GOP pick up was the Palin endorsed Deb FischerÂ’s successful run in Nebraska)
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