Romney is pretending to criticize the Democrats. They buy their victories by bribing the voters.
The only trouble with that is that the GOPe thinks they can do the same. Tax and spend and tell the voters whatever they want to hear to make them feel good. Anything but the truth.
And I pretty much shut up about what I thought about Romney over the final months before the election, since there was no longer any alternative on offer. But, regretably, Romney’s record speaks for itself. As governor of Taxachusetts, he competed with the Democrats to give the libs whatever they wanted: government healthcare, gay marriage, taxpayer funded abortion and contraception, sex-change operations for criminals on the taxpayer’s dime, and so forth.
Odd how that just ended up empowering the Democrats in Massachusetts even more.
Cicero, that’s a great observation. Romney ran Massachusetts as a moderate Democrat would. The result has been that the state moved to full Democrat control. We previously has a string of Republican governors, but not it is a Democrat perpetually in the Governor’s Mansion. This is the result of capitulating to their agenda.
How would your record look as governor of Massachusetts?
You cannot out-Democrat Democrats. Non-democrats would eventually become embarrassed by the absurd cost of the vote-buying. Democrats have no shame and no conscience. Neither have they any sense of what is unworkable or unreasonable. If the electorate is too stupid to recognize sound reason or too greedy and self-absorbed to care, the greatness of this country is finished, plain and simple.