Embrace it. That’s what I do. I’m not only not sorry that I’m white, I’m downright proud to be. Why shouldn’t I be? If other races can be proud of their race, so can whites, and I’d say that whites as a race have much of which to be proud.
I worry along with Wardaddy that we may have crossed a point where reversal of degradation may not be possible. That so many on both seaboards and the government-dependent across the rust belt decided the status quo of government reliance was the way to go sickens me. That these people do not note that their "president" goes to great lengths to avoid mentioning God while indulging in mean-spirited divisiveness whenever possible astonishes me. We are witnessing an era where white Americans are expected to actually deny their own history of astounding real progress for a fairy tale of "progressiveness" hatched by a socialist/anarchist named Saul Alinsky who despised the very concept of personal freedom that inspired our founders to fight for independence.
That so many, of all colors and ethnicity, reelected a failure of a man out of wrongfully perceived racial guilt or some other factor that should have had nothing to do with choosing the best person to lead the free world - shame on them all. Racism is NOT the primary factor motivating most people regarded as white. This election proved that beyond doubt. Mitt's hiding his religion was a factor along with his wishy-washiness on all things. Massive fail for not backing Newt or someone better, Republican Party.
Wardaddy is also right that conservatives, who built this site with their time and donations, need to take greater hold over the moderates and barely-disguised liberals who think "reaching across the aisle" means bending over when the Democrat machine in Congress spouts accusations of racism, mean-spiritedness and insensitivity. Even Bill Maher (the notorious liberal atheist) wrote that a spade is a spade and that's that. And he was referring to a shovel. Stick to what is true in our hearts without trying to accommodate what our hearts are telling us is wrong and evil. If you need a primer on racism just look south into Mexico and further. We are and always have been better than that.