Yup....only so many spots at so many med schools and it’s a loooong haul to the end.
I’m wondering if we will see a push to use nurse practioners in an expanded role.
Didn't you read the bill?
"A major victory for nursing occurred with the designation of nurse-managed health clinics as eligible for federal funding in addition to a $50 million grant through the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Nurse-managed health clinics will help train more nurses in primary and preventive care while strengthening the nation's healthcare safety net. The nurse practitioners who staff nurse-managed health clinics are by far the nation's fastest growing segment of primary care providers. Offering cost-effective, high-quality care to patients regardless of their ability to pay, these clinics are perfectly positioned to fill the provider gap that has been well documented by the shortage of primary care physicians."
Of course, and it will go much further than that. We'll get to the point at which you'll be seeing people with 1 or 2 year degrees ‘treating’ patients. Then the media will spout ‘studies’ about how the treatment people are getting is actually as good or better than from physicians. You can bet, however, that politicians will still be seeing MDs.
This is progress.