Great way to turn off all these groups to Republicans for the next election and to scare the remaining Republicans in congress into caving in on everything O wants, go Mitt!
Compare these:
Conservative visionary candidate:
“ I have been traveling the country on my campaign and what I see is the great American spirit thirsting to succeed but being held back by powers both government and private almost too great and complex to even understand.
Americans don't want handouts from others. They want to succeed and feel proud of themselves for it and to themselves be able to lift others up by being able to offer others good paying jobs with a future.
Obama doesn't offer them a future. He offers them the chains of government dependent slavery. That is death, a living death. Americans wont accept that on election day because that is not what being an American is all about.
Well I tell voters: elect me and I will break those chains that are holding them back from succeeding
I know what the government is doing wrong, not doing right and what it can do to fix this. I have turned around companies and created XXxs of real jobs, and not just government make-work jobs and food stamps that he offers that just put this country in more debt slavery. Please vote XX on election day and help turn this country around.
And God bless America.”
Uninspiring Loser candidate (Mitt) :
Whispering to contributor while being secretly recorded:
“ Things are really bad out there. Half the countries voters are a bunch of lazy moochers who just want free handouts and they they want the government to take them from us to give to them. You need to deep in your pockets for $$$ so I can try to hold them off for a while”
Insulting the voters always works Mitt.
Romney was a loser. He shamed himself by running.
his 2016 run is prolly due to take off anytime... maybe he can get a jump on the bribery this time and not waste so much time wooing converts...