What have we learned?
1)That the People Have Spoken, and they have said, “DUHHHHHHHHH”.....
2)That Hispanics may be onboard with pro-life, pro-family traditional values, but when it comes time to vote they’re on the side of the gubbermint check.
3)That the Under 30 crowd is an utterly lost generation, unserious, lacking in education, fully self-absorbed, and a sitting duck for any despot who comes along with a really good marketing campaign.
4)That social networking tools like Twitter have essentially destroyed the country by allowing Democrats to microtarget messages to each individual voter. You’re a 22 year old slut that wants free abortions and birth control? That’s our #1 priority, Vote Obama! You’re a 29 year old grad student who wants all his student loans forgiven? That’s our #1 priority, Vote Obama! You’re a 24 year old trangendered cult member who wants NASA to launch a probe to Uranus to find the mother ship? That’s our #1 priority Vote Obama! Etc. etc. etc.
5)That despite our proud boasting to the contrary, Americans are just as much into envy and class warfare as any other human beings on the planet.
White under 30s voted republican, that won't change much of the future, but it is nice to learn.