wait a second - as a vet I want to ask this question, “If the second in command had time to send 20,000 pages of e-mails, in 18 months, to a married woman, what the heck was he doing to run the organization?” What we see is two members of the Afgan military machine for the USA who are either on trial or under investigation.Plus their former commander leaving in disgrace. At the Klinton WH it was one crappy guy, this is the top brass!! Tom Clancy or LaCarre could have written this script to show how honey traps caught the top brass.
Using 18 months, 30 days per month, and 15,000 (number between 10K & 20K), that would be 27 emails/day .... JUST to Kelly. Sort of takes a chunk out of ‘official duty’ time. The volume of non-work related emails is inappropriate, regardless of the content and I seriously doubt you can send 27 emails a day to a woman not your wife without getting into some inappropriate content.
20-30 thousand pages could have been spread by a virus?
We are assuming one to two pages per email, while maybe it was fewer emails but more pages per email..... as in document dump....
Maybe secrets were being sent and threats were made to expose them “or else”?