Posted on 11/12/2012 2:17:24 PM PST by SoFloFreeper
Dancing in Chicago, young voters gleefully celebrated President Obamas victory. Indeed, voters younger than 30 may well have changed the outcome of the race. They represented 19 percent of all voters, even more than they did in 2008, and they favored President Obama by 60 to 37 percent, according to exit polling.
One college student asked me, What exactly are they so excited about?
Presumably, they arent celebrating their job prospects. Under this administration, unemployment of younger Americans and recent college graduates is not very different from the scandalous unemployment rates of youth in failing European countries whose misguided economic policies are creating a nearly jobless generation.
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The perfect song for Obama
Cult of Personality - Living Colour
Look in my eyes
What do you see?
The cult of personality
I know your anger, I know your dreams
I’ve been everything you want to be
Oh, I’m the cult of personality
Like Mussolini and Kennedy
I’m the cult of personality
The cult of personality
The cult of personality
Neon lights, a Nobel prize
When a mirror speaks, the reflection lies
You don’t have to follow me
Only you can set me free
I sell the things you need to be
I’m the smiling face on your TV
Oh, I’m the cult of personality
I exploit you, still you love me
I tell you, one and one makes three
Oh, I’m the cult of personality
Like Joseph Stalin and Gandhi
I’m the cult of personality
The cult of personality
The cult of personality
Neon lights, a Nobel prize
When a leader speaks, that leader dies
You won’t have to follow me
Only you can set you free
You gave me fortune, you gave me fame
You me power in your God’s name
I’m every person you need to be
Oh, I’m the cult of personality
I’m the cult of, I’m the cult of
I’m the cult of, I’m the cult of
I’m the cult of, I’m the cult of
I’m the cult of, I’m the cult of personality
They will be taught the ways of entitlement
I believe it was John Adams that said: “THIS CONSTITUTION WORKS ONLY WITH A MORAL & RELIGIOUS PEOPLE. IT’S TOTALLT INADEQUITE FOR ANY OTHER”. It look as if he is proving right. It appears that we have lost our moral footing, and everything and anything is “MORAL” as long as “IT FEELS GOOD”. Never mind what the real outcome is going to be. Well, these 51% has chosen which path this country is headed for. The other 49% had better get used to that, and prepare for the worst. Because it’s coming and the only ones that will survive will be those that have prepared for it.
They are now.
BTW - When one of these leeches tries for some type of government assistance and are told they do not qualify because of A and B, they will then do A and B.
Take for instance, a women needs food but doesn’t want to be bothered to get a job. She goes to the social services office and applies for WIC. The social worker then explains that she does not qualify for WIC because she does not have a child. Guess what happens next... I personally know people that do this. They have done it for other benefits too.
Once on assistance, it’s almost impossible to get off. If they get a job, they lose the freebies. Now they are trapped forever on the government dole. When the kids grow up they continue the cycle.
If there's anyone thinking along those lines, especially the right kind of person thinking along those lines, I have yet to hear of them. The fact of the matter is, though, BO and the democrat fascists ARE the Wiemar Republic and can't escape that role. The only question is whether it will be a Hitler or a patriot who takes advantage of that fact.
If you’ve ever been to Chicago proper you would know we are talking about black youths only. They don’t work. They don’t plan to work. If they aren’t already collecting Welfare on their own then they are still living with their single mothers or some other female who is on Welfare. There won’t be any financial repercussions to these people until the Welfare system fails.
Had I been a Romney advisor I would have stressed going after the youth vote. Even tapping into you somewhat, hit them with these future deficits in addition to Social Security and Medicare. They may be naive and in some cases, stupid, but lots of us at that age thought we knew it all.
they will be exempt...can someone explaind to dems that 250 thousand does not = one million...
they will only not qualify if they are white..thats all
The healthy German gals are thinner. Much thinner.
...and when the welfare system fails we who are paying for it will be blamed. When parasites kill the host, the host is always blamed, not the parasites. Welfare is more addictive than heroin.
>Guess what happens next...
Maybe it will help increase non-minority baby births since minorities are guaranteed welfare based on their skin color.
Those who are on the dole will NEVER NEVER NEVER understand what has happened to them when it all collapses. I have NEVER heard a liberal hold themselves accountable. For anything. It is ALWAYS someone else’s fault. ALWAYS.
After all, the USSC has already ruled that the Federal government can force you to be sterilized for whatever reason they see fit so ending the pregnancy as part of the sterilization is no big deal at all.
This was my thought on election night. I stayed up late sipping whiskey thinking about how you can buy the Soviet’s grandaughters for $15 in Istanbul these days. You get what ya pay for.
Now in 2014, we will have federal subsidies to lower the costs...
But it will be single payer (socialized health care) by then!
When Obama’s death panels are killing their older relatives by the bushel these Bolshevik Brats will be one their friggin’ own without the sense to wipe their butts!
When Junior grows up and realizes that he’ll be spending the rest of his life working for the Socialist Republic of Former America, he’ll realize what a moron he’s been.
By then, of course, it’ll be to late.
Sorry, Junior, you lose.
I know what 0bama is doing (Collapse of America for reboot as National Socialists States with 0bama as Dictator), but.. Who's behind 0bama? Who is giving him the marching orders and HOW to accomplish the 'transformation' of America into a Socialist Dictatorship with 0bama as King?
George Soros' hands are all over the 0bama's regime's actions.. The Soros style of collapsing countries from within is alive and well in America. Here's 0bama's action items (not necessarily in order), towards achieving America's collapse and transformation:
- Occupy Wall Street (OWS) formation used to hasten 'DIVISION' in America (99% vs. 1%) ahead of 0bama's long campaign to 'divide and conquer'
- Bogus 'War on Women' campaign to scare females and turn them against the 'evil Republicans' (Female vote getter!) - Stimulus spending AIMED AT MASSIVE NATIONAL DEBT to achieve a SLOWING OF AMERICA'S GROWTH. WE MIGHT NOT RECOVER and four more years of the King will ensure that.
- Escalate entitlements (To garner votes!)
- Obamacare (The ultimate 2012 vote getter!)
- 0bama's money laundering for his campaign through 'green' projects using tax payer's money, such as Solyndra
- Executive Order overturning immigration law (Hispanic votes!)
- President's stated refusal to uphold Federal Law (DOMA) and passage of Repeal of DADT (LGBT votes!)
- Shrink our Military and REDUCE OUR NUCLEAR ARSENAL TO DANGEROUSLY LOW LEVELS, making us vulnerable
- Gun bans leading to gun confiscations
(Note that nothing's 'been done' for blacks because they'll vote for 0bama no matter what, even with 15% unemployment (or are entitlements preferred over working??))
I've omitted a few but MOST OF THE ABOVE ACTIONS/EVENTS ARE TRAITOROUS AND TREASONOUS BECAUSE THEY REPRESENT THE WILLFUL COLLAPSE OF AMERICA FOR THE PURPOSE OF OVERTURNING OUR FREE-MARKET, CAPITALIST REPUBLIC. 0bama's impeachable offenses are numerous, and I haven't even shown 'Fast & Furious', lying to the American people about 'a protest over a video', dereliction of duty in Benghazi for abandonment of Americans on the ground requesting assistance, and now the possible 'prison' at Benghazi in direct violation of an 0bama Executive Order.
How many passes does 0bama get? I think we're past ENOUGH ALREADY.
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