Alaska can go ahead and leave. They already rec more in Federal funds than they return. The Federal Gov should sell off the federal lands to the highest bidder and let the Alaskans fend for themselves. Buh, bye.
Sorry...I know too many in Alaska to have any pity for their so called plite. Fooey. Just go.
thet had better learn to speak russian if they are truly serious about “wanting” to be a separate country cause they won’t be separate long before they are truly taken over by another country
Did they pee in your fruit loops?
May you be “blessed” by the Federal government taking 90% of your land an making it into a park, for you to tend for them. Or telling you not to dig up your coal, just freeze in the dark. Or dig for gold, cause holes in the ground 6” or less are drinking water, but holes bigger than 6” are poisonous mine waste...
Oh, and thanks for the support and grateful heart for all the oil we were able to ship to you despite the graces of the EPA.
You ingrateful sot you.