Anyone who voted Democrat should be taxed at 50 percent. It’s what they asked for. Let them pay for it.
That’s what I’ve been advocating. Give the people who voted for this what they want... good and hard.
Start with repealing tax shelters for Hollywood and the media industries.
Move on to charitable remainder trusts and foundations, which finance a great deal of left wing mischief.
Then start removing deductions - eg, allow mortgage interest deductions for only one’s own primary home, and then index it to the median price of homes in your area of residence.
Oh, thinking about other things... a transaction tax on selling/buying securities on Wall Street - say, a half-cent per transaction. Poof, HFT dies quickly and we regain some semblance of sanity in the markets. Tax unregistered bespoke securities at a rate which will flush the CDO’s and CDS’s out into the open.
The list goes on and on of ways that the GOP could give Obama supporters exactly what they want: higher taxes.
I will go one step further, I am calling for Dems to pay the exact same tax like they pay in France..70 libs love Obama so much, time to cough up the cash..Sarah Jessica Parker, Eva Longoria, Beyonce, and all the rest of them..Id like to see the look on their smug faces when they hear they will have to pay 70 percent..hope they are wearing dark pants