Every third party flake wants the hero of the republican party for their own but he is already taken and he is dead, make your own sales pitch for your new party, don’t try to hijack two time Republican President Ronald Reagan.
I originally opined here in response to a question being brought forward: ‘What would RR do after obama’s win?’
I stated as I believe. There's no sales pitch here, nor is one necessary. The GOP has done all the selling that needs to be done. There is no excuse for losing this election. obama should have been a gift to the Republican Party. It's not just the economy. obama’s entire record is shameful and un-American. McCain lost to a guy who nobody even knew anything about, and Romney lost to a guy who hates this country and is bent on driving us into the ditch.
The bottom line is that the GOP is not up to the job. They're just not getting it done, and our time is running out, btw.
So by default, we'll have to give a different party a chance. You obviously disagree, but that's the way I see it.