To: TigersEye
Let me preface this by saying that I'm for Allen West and I do think there has been some voter fraud. However, the article you referred doesn't show any. I really can't believe that printed this. Misinformation like this does not help our cause at all, it only makes us look like idiots. If you press on the link in the townhall article it does look like something weird is going on. However, if you read further you'd see why. It seems that the folks in that particular county vote on some type of ballot cards. There were so many things to vote on in this election that they had to use two voter cards to fit everything. So, each person turned in two cards (with completely different things on each card) after they voted. So, if 75 out of 100 registered people voted, there would be 150 ballots turned in. So, it would look like 50 extra people voted but that's really not the case. Again, I'm for Allen West, but the person who allowed this to be printed on didn't do their homework and makes all of us that thing there really was some shady stuff going on look like buffoons.
To: tink38570
...and makes all of us that thing there really was some shady stuff going on look like buffoons. Speak for yourself.
102 posted on
11/10/2012 9:05:03 PM PST by
(Who is John Galt?)
To: tink38570
Interesting you mention this, and I’m not sure whether FL has the same two-ballot count that CA does. We had two pages of papers ballots - the big legal-sized ones where you full in the bubble with a purple felt tip.
I always watch the voter number on the machine before and after I insert my ballot... usually it’s a single page, no big deal.
Before I inserted page 1, the counter read 133. After I inserted page 1, it remained 133 until I inserted page 2 - THEN it turned over to 134.
Just my experience. Any in FL know?
Short story - this stinks. Col. West is an honorable man and best of all, an honorable fighter for what we base our lives on.
And it’s plain this went on everywhere... I penciled out the numbers - with the delta b/w Bronco’s votes and Romney votes of 3.26 million, that’s about a 2.5% difference between the two. Numbers wise, that’s 65K votes per state, nonweighted. Do the math by district and precinct... it doesn’t take much to swing it.
122 posted on
11/10/2012 10:47:33 PM PST by
("If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth."~RWR)
To: tink38570
Let me preface this by saying that I'm for Allen West and I do think there has been some voter fraud.
Sure you do. You signed up today to post this. Bless your heart.
124 posted on
11/10/2012 10:54:13 PM PST by
PA Engineer
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