Folks, the affair was over. In all the US government, including generals and Nat’l Security officials, you really thing Patraeus was the only one worthy of an investigation into his personal life? Think ANY others have affairs, are gay, etc? And it was necessary to confront him right now, not when the affair was active, not when he was nominated?
I do not remember anyone this was done to in my lifetime, and I’m not young.
“I do not remember anyone this was done to in my lifetime”
I think that military officers have a different standard. They have a code of ethics that forbid extramarital affairs. Isn’t that is a long standing ethic.
Can’t fight with someone who can’t keep a promise to his wife.
Head of CIA....having an affair compromises one’s security clearance...I don’t much care about anyone else...Pertaeus has disgraced his country and his uniform...and probably contributed to the murder of all those who died in Benghazi....that makes him dirt.
If he has any sense of shame he will go before congress and testify to EVERYTHING even if it means telling secrets. Otherwise the guy is no better than the Destroyer in Chief at the WH