NO, my biggest problem is that I have no patience with morons.
My biggest problems is that morons like you think every single person who did not have man crush fantasies over the sweater vest is somehow a secret operative of the Karl Rove machine who sneaks out on weekends to perform coat hanger abortions while attending establishment cocktail parties.
Wake up and put on your big boy panties. There are not just “two” camps in the conservative arena. Karl Rove is a huge problem. So is Todd Akin. They are not the same problem, but they are both problems.
From where I sit, though, Obama is a bigger problem than any of them. I worked for two candidates not named Romney in the primary season. My focus was one removing Obama. I did what I could, and then I did what I had to do.
Now, do I “trust” Romney on all social issues? No, not really. But I’ll tell you what. I totally trust Obama. I totally trust Obama to do the immoral thing at every turn and to advance that agenda aggressively. So, do you trust Obama on social issues?
That battle is over, sweetheart.
He's what we've got.
You cannot make me vote for a liberal, even with an (R) behind his name.
That grates on you. badly.
You are angry. You want to lash out, and do, and turn off conservatives that mainly support your ideals.
Is that what you really, really want to do?
I'll still be here 10 years from now, and we'll have to deal with each other. Regard your words well, or regret them later.
Honestly, Ed, I don't know why you're still around here because you think that you're smarter than everybody else.
McCain got enough votes in 2008 to lead elitists like Rove to believe that the GOP should nominate another liberal in 2012. Although Romney got fewer votes than McCain, my fear is that Romney got enough votes to lead elitists like Rove to believe that the GOP needs an even more liberal candidate in 2016.
In my view, the only way to change the direction of this country is for people to quit voting for liberals, period. If conservatives vote for liberals, that's what they'll get the next time, every time. The elitists pay attention to election results. There is only one way to tell them that enough is enough. Quit buying their baloney!