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1 posted on 11/09/2012 12:27:11 PM PST by HalTa
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To: HalTa

This post is written in anger and frustration.

Angry that we continue to follow the Republican Party’s elite ignorance. A party that continues to pull defeat from the jaws of victory characterized by pompous fools who fulfill the sterotype built by the left.

Frustrated that the reality of politics is this: There will be no third party capable of competing with the coalition constructed by the dems. As a result, true conservatives MUST take steps to irradicate the ignorance of the Republican Party while still adhering to the core values of our forefathers (beliefs that I discovered are considered extreme by over half of my countrymen last night, BTW).

I have no solve for exactly how to accomplish this. Only advice based on a long military career in several foreign lands for how to defeat the dems once this is accomplished.

This thought process is based on the concept of irregular warfare with twists thrown in here and there for good measure.

With that, I provide the following advice for the good of the order.

LEADERSHIP: The old crew has proven either incompotent or outdated. McConnell and Boerner must go. They represent a failed plan to defend and resist without clearly explaining their position. They are content with looking like the bad guys and face public scorn when they don’t realize how important it is to manipulate a clearly left leaning MSM. They represent the failure of the last four years to our own and obstructionists to the opposition. We’ve got to show a new face to the nation. That is the genesis of rebuilding this movement. Ryan or Cantor in the House, Rubio or Demint in the Senate.

They represent a change in a party that has been beaten soundly in the last two elections by a charlatan and his traveling circus. A fresh choice in leadership represents change you can TRULY beleive in from every angle.

GROUND GAME: It is IMPERATIVE to develop and foster an intricate ground game. It requires a MICRO-ANALYSIS of every county, every city, and every early and absentee ballot by demographic to find how how, why, and with what method they voted. Give it to the dems on their “community organizing” machine. We don’t need to reinvent that model. we MUST develop our own.

It will require an insurgent effort at the ground level. An infiltration into dem areas that we identify are weak or vulnerable to start cutting in to the blue.

This isn’t as difficult as it sounds. It requires a patient and immediate effort that starts with the post election analysis.

The COIN (insurgeny/counterinsurgency)effort would include the identification of these areas, the inflitration of the areas through churches and charitable organizations AND PARTICULARLY THROUGH EDUCATION.

I’m not talking about traditional public schools and universities. I’m talking about the new way to educate - the online universities, the trade schools and nightschools. Corporate allies need to invest and educate with the ideals of economic and fiscal conservatism.

The RNC needs to lead and develop this effort. A novice like me can see that there is a disconnect between the voting habits of catholic-dominated hispanics and baptist blacks and their actual stated values. That disconnect can be exploited if it is done slowly, deliberately, and effectively.

INFORMATION WARFARE: We are ATROCIOUS AT THIS. Dems get a simple message out early and often. They poison the well and we are left to change minds rather than get the initial impression right from jump. We constantly play defense and think we are sooooo clever when dems (as they ALWAYS do) do something stupid or illegal.

We ABSOLUTELY MUST be proactive. We must attack at EVERY OPPORTUNITY then add each fail of the dems to a trend and theme. These themes must be simple, tailored, and repetitively broadcast to each target demographic.

We must look out beyond the 5 and 10 meter targets. We’ve got to effectively interpret what the dem message is on the horizon and confront it at all levels - from the national MSM level filtering directly down to the target group level. Even I can see what the talking points of the upcoming week are by watching the Sunday talking head programs. Defense is unacceptable. Attack, attack, attack.

This is only one part of an overall information operation plan that is constant in a simple party message and what it means to each target group.


I find it unbelievable that Obama has hijacked the reputation and imagery of the Party of Lincoln. COIN operations involve a very in depth understanding of cultural idocyncracies and how best to exploit them to our advantage. It’s not a “wool-over-the-eyes” approach or a “free shit” approach like the dems sell. THAT ALWAYS COMES UP SHORT.

It’s a sell based on how it effects each target group and what it means to them. If it’s done right, I am CONFIDENT that the tenets of conservatism sell themselves.

In Civil Miltary Operations, assistance in areas that seem unrelated builds trust in the agency. Granted, there’s a fine line between assistance and the giving of free shit but, the special operations forces walk that line well. It can be done. Community outreach in areas that we identify, in ways that we haven’t before can build a larger tent without sacrificing our beliefs.

The military has been doing this in third world countries for years. We’ve been more successful in some areas, less successful in others. In the United States third world strongholds of the Democratic Party,I am confident that it can be done.

This is, by far, not the only avenue we’ve got to pursue in order to turn the tide.

But, if we are going to war, the RNC must look to the military to rediscover and reorganize. The number-crunching beancounters have their place in the organization but, on their best days, they can only identify who will and won’t vote Republican.

This is a “Hearts and Minds” effort.

It requires a new way to think about the political battlefield.

Rangers Lead the Way.

2 posted on 11/09/2012 12:28:47 PM PST by military cop (I carry a .45....cause they don't make a .46....)
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To: HalTa

Not to undermine Military Cop’s posting, but I have an additional theory, based entirely on gut, with no proof whatsoever: The Pollsters were paid by DNC to show Romney ahead so he wouldn’t campaign harder, and would campaign in states where he was likely to loose.

Sun Tzu taught to encourage your opponent waste his efforts and to mislead him to thinking he has the upper hand, then let him waste his energies for nothing.

4 posted on 11/09/2012 12:33:49 PM PST by theDentist (FUBO; qwerty ergo typo : i type, therefore i misspelll)
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To: HalTa

When Bush had office 2000-2007 and we had 110% turnout in Philly and open fraud in St. Louis and Chicago , Miami has always been as fraudulent as Chicago ... What did he do? Did we prosecute everyone involved? Anyone involved?

Illinois could easily be republican territory as could Ohio , PA and Florida should be locked up if we prosecute 10-20,000 NYers that vote in both places illegally... putting grandma Smith in jail for 10-20 for a felony works for me.

We need to get loud about the fraud that is out in the open and demand a fix... I’ll go to jail for civil disobedience if need be..

5 posted on 11/09/2012 12:34:04 PM PST by Neidermeyer
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To: HalTa

We either clean up the voter lists and legitimize the voting process or we can forget about ever winning another election. And we MUST get the military voting problem straightened out. What an insult to our troops.

6 posted on 11/09/2012 12:35:01 PM PST by Faith
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To: HalTa

Its anecdotal, but I’ve been told that part of their ground game was to have people vote early and then go to their polling places and stand in line, keeping the line artificially large to discourage others from voting on lunch hours and immediately after work.

This was the reason Michelle Obama was out telling everyone to not let anyone push you out of line. Interesting thought and not technically illegal.

8 posted on 11/09/2012 12:37:16 PM PST by dannyboy72a (the circuit is closing)
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To: HalTa
The democrat "ground game" is voter fraud.

If you pay attention when democrats talk about who votes and how, the words "voter suppression" are always bandied about.

Loose translation, everyone should vote if they are voting democrat, dead or alive, citizen or illegal.

17 posted on 11/09/2012 12:42:47 PM PST by exnavy (Got ammo, Godspeed!)
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To: HalTa
The next question is, what are the Republicans and all patriotic Americans going to do about it?

What is the logical course of action for any freedom loving peoples who have been the victims of a coup?

18 posted on 11/09/2012 12:44:41 PM PST by Bloody Sam Roberts ("The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." Ecclesiastes 1)
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To: HalTa

I understand the anger and frustration but your post is based on absolutely nothing but “gut”. You are flailing out for someone to do something based on your supposed ability to read beckel’s mind. we need evidence and specifics.

20 posted on 11/09/2012 12:45:29 PM PST by plain talk
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To: HalTa

It is ENTIRELY possible that we DID NOT re-elect Obama. As each story is posted about serious voter fraud -— drip, drip, drip -— it is becoming more and more obvious that the election was stolen instead of won.

The saddest thing of all is that our elected leaders who CLAIM to be CONSERVATIVE will brush all this off and not do a single thing about it. The Republican Party should SUE each and every voting district where Obama received 99%-100%-108% of the vote. Surely there are TRUE PATRIOT lawyers who would take up this gauntlet pro bono.

I will watch and wait to see if anything is done -— but I must confess my expectations are low. Like many others, the criminal element of the Democrat party has tried us and pushed us, and found us to be a soft target. Who can blame them for taking advantage of an adversary who refuses to fight back from even the most blatant provocation!?!

21 posted on 11/09/2012 12:45:51 PM PST by LTC.Ret (You'd think I would know better than to volunteer!!!
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To: HalTa

Just think... In 1992, the Democratic Party was ready to collapse. But fortunately, H. Ross Perot stepped in to save them.

22 posted on 11/09/2012 12:49:36 PM PST by Cowboy Bob (Greed + Envy = Liberalism)
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To: HalTa

[ Someone please expose ;The Democrat Ground Game ]

OK I’ll do it...

Democrats WANT......

1) Less American national sovereignty..
2) a World Givernment based on socialism..
3) A mass public that can be MILKed like farm animals..
4) An ignorant public totally brain washed toward socialism..
5) An elite that farms and culls the public like wolves..
6) Women groomed to be addicted to their feelings and emotions..
7) Men that are cowards afraid of the givernment..

**Note; Democrats are already there, republicans slowing being “converted”.. listening/watching FOX News that carries subliminal messages towards those ends..

23 posted on 11/09/2012 12:50:47 PM PST by hosepipe (This propaganda has been edited to include some fully orbed hyperbole..)
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To: HalTa

We should take care to remember though that the Gallup and Rasmussen polls were the outliers. Most other polls were much closer to the mark. And even Gallup and Rasmussen tightened up considerably ahead of the election. In the end, the election results actually very closely matched the polling averages.

29 posted on 11/09/2012 1:10:07 PM PST by billthecat (Ack! Ack!)
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To: HalTa

The other day I watched a related story, one segment showed these folks going to senior homes/centers and busing them to early-voting outlets... where I'm sure there were plenty of pre-voted ballots available...

...all meant to make those "fragile" voters experience less complicated/time consuming of course.

32 posted on 11/09/2012 1:29:14 PM PST by RckyRaCoCo (I prefer liberty with danger to peace with slavery, IXNAY THE TSA!)
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To: HalTa
I know that the turnout locally was way, way ahead of 2008. There were long, long lines for early voting, and also on election day, yet we are told that the turnout was less than in 2008. There needs to be a effort in each state to document the number of people who signed in to vote and the actual count. I have a feeling that votes disappeared, and in some cases there were more votes than signatures.

We kept hearing that poll workers were signing voter rolls, with the excuse that they were just signing for absentee voters, whose ballots had been received.

It seems that an absentee stamp in the space for the voter's signature, would have been easier, and could have been done before election day. Now you can't tell whether the voter actually showed up at the polls, was absentee, or someone voted for them.

I am very concerned that people who never have voted, voted on election day, and the dead voted for Obama from beyond the grave.

To paraphrase Stalin, It's not who votes, how they vote, but who counts the votes, that matters.

36 posted on 11/09/2012 1:36:36 PM PST by Yulee (Village of Albion)
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To: HalTa

Four things that MUST be done:

CLEAN UP THE VOTE — From voting machines that switch to bus-loads of out-of-state voters to universal voter ID (fingers in ink?) to dead and/or illegals on the rolls — ALL must be cleaned up. NOW! Start today and do NOT stop. If this does not reach the level of a conservative Jihad, then conservatives deserve their lonely place in the wilderness.

EDUCATE — I spent an hour trying to describe the Constitution to my daughter, who is old enough to have learned this stuff decades ago. She had no clue what our founding document had to say. Home-schooled kids are “getting it” but public school kids get nothing and never have. But what do you expect when Bill Ayers is teaching our teachers?

DISSEMINATE — The libs have the entire major media complex on their side, while the best we can do is the oft-squishy Fox network. Wrong. Get some rich conservatives like Adelson or the Koch brothers to throw their financial weight behind a REAL conservative outlet. Don’t we deserve a conservative commentator as wild-eyed (and even ridiculous) as Chris Matthews or Crazy Ed Shultz? We own radio but TV is still a vast wasteland.

REGROUP — The GOP Elite has failed us for the last time. They dissed the Tea Party and conservatives in general, and force-fed us John McCain and Mitt Romney. And where has it gotten us? Say what you like about Sarah Palin, but she still draws big crowds. Give us REAL conservatives and TO HELL with that squishy “moderate is best” crap. Time for a new party.

I’m still too pissed about the election results to think calmly, so I apologize for ranting. But I’ll probably be ranting for another month or so. Dammit.

46 posted on 11/09/2012 7:47:00 PM PST by DNME (It's never over. Never.)
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To: HalTa
The Rats are superior at GOTV (get out the vote) efforts, most importantly on election day. This is because they have access to a wide pool of free or low cost labor: the unemployed, the menially employed, and union thugs who are paid by their unions to work GOTV.

They are most important on election day, the last chance to vote. The idea is to identify people who are inclined to vote for your candidate, determine the ones who have not voted yet, then have someone contact them and "encourage" them to vote.

The Rats have, and always will have, an advantage over the R's in GOTV. The best the R's can do is stay somewhat competitive. Check out the "orca" keyword for several threads about the GOP's failure at GOTV this election.

48 posted on 11/09/2012 8:54:07 PM PST by stillonaroll
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To: HalTa

Of course Beckel knows about the fraud.

In my misspent political youth, I was involved in the Democrat party in a large city. Nobody even contemplated fraud within our high-income district, but it was an open, joked-about secret how the operatives in and from working-class and lower-income areas crammed the ballot boxes by various means.

I was later involved in the GOP in the same district and it was in a sense the same—Democrat cheating was an open, joked-about secret. (But it wasn’t ever even hinted about in the GOP, which really only existed to speak about in the higher-income areas.)

54 posted on 11/11/2012 6:00:14 AM PST by 9YearLurker
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To: HalTa

Be prepared to hear all about lots of “voters staying home”...the Bipartisan Oligarchy would rather we all stew in that mess..than having us all bothered, and deciding to investigate, about all the voters voting who never voted...

Listening to descriptions of how “Democrats got out their ground game” with “superior ability to bring those to the polls who normally would never go” by the commentators on Fox election night..made me realize..what they actually have done is track names that HAVE NOT VOTED IN MANY, MANY elections cycles....and vote them.

A well-funded project, examine the names signed in at at the polls..and going out to find those’ll find they were never physically at he polls..or they themselves never filled out the absentee ballot....or their names in the death registers.

The very LAST thing the Bipartisan Oligarchy want or need is any semblance of Constitutional Federal Gov’mt or a clean vote.

Both those are up to We the People to cram it down their throats so hard in DC they will, someday, never do otherwise.

Absent a clean vote.....We the People are being taxed without representation..Ask George III how well that worked out!

57 posted on 11/11/2012 4:31:54 PM PST by mo (If you understand, no explanation is needed. If you don't understand, no explanation is possible.)
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