Ditto. Got off Twitter as well. About 2AM election night I said: "I've got to get my life back." It started by dumping those two time-wasters. I refuse any longer to read the vile stupidity that's on those narcissistic echo-chambers.
All the twenty-somethings will be gobsmacked when four years from now they still don't have jobs and there's no one to pay for their "free" stuff. They can gloat and preen about gay marriage and abortion while they try to subsist on unemployment benefits that are running out. If other parents are as angry as I am, the twenty-somethings will find the source of their gravy train has dried up. A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged. It's time for them to experience real life. Drive off the cliff. The "rich" will be in hiding and the politicians will be left trying to explain how the biggest bubble of all, government deficit spending, has popped.
I searched for "Obama" and unfriended anyone who made a pro-Obama comment. I don't have room in my life for those who are conspiring to take my freedom.