do have some good news. It appears that the left is not choosing to kill its enemies, at least not yet. I hope they continue to remain nonviolent. If they have studied Gramsci well, they probably will remain nonviolent. Political force is ultimately self-defeating.
My cursory knowledge of history tells me that when commies/muzzies gain power, they do indeed kill the "enemy". Either wholesale or whoever pops his head up and clings to something that is non-Koran, a fire arm, non-commie a**ksing opinion, their own children, their private property, etc. So the "so far they're aren't killing us yet" statement hinges on the "yet". And if you read Nachum's Dead Pool, there are a fair number of bodies already, just not en masse at this point. I think it a vain hope to hope that our lives and property will not be taken from us.
If that remains the case, we can still pursue our lives. We can raise our children, marry, laugh, love and honor our God, and enjoy and build the best life we can, albeit at a lower standard of living than we have had. I recommend that, while still searching for a solution to these issues, each and every one of you do this very thing. We have no control over the nation, ultimately (though we can impart our small spin) so enjoy your life to the fullest!
I think you need to remove your rosy colored glasses. They are just getting started. Just now accelerating. Home schooling, any opposition to any jot and tittle of their noxious pro-muzzie, commie, hate whitey, fag luving agenda will be verboten in the near future - IF no serious opposition stands up against them. There's so much in the wings - stuff like mandatory mental health screening (with mandatory "treatment" if you're nuts enough to not swallow their toxic evil swill), children are not OURS but the property of the state to be raised as THEY say, not us; churches and any houses of worship not allowing fag marriage and Koran reading will be taxed or closed, guns and ammo HA HA HA HA HA, property and other taxes skyrocketing so we are forced out of our homes, affirmative action on steroids and testing political, social and religious views to see if we qualify to get jobs/health care/food/a place to live/air to breathe/keep our children, etc. These are just a few off the top of my head.
And any more "elections"? Give me a freaking break. What we had was not an election. Either the Rs in Congress find strong principles and courage, or state governors and legislatures do (or both), or the mil somehow decides they've had enough, or millions of people go to DC and campout with torches and pitchforks, or:
Ravines, death camps, and re-education camps and mass extermination. I don't know why you think they'll allow us to live our private lives in peace. Hell, they already don't.
“You may not be interested in war, but war is very interested in you.”
Trotsky, about the Russian Civil War circa 1920.
Thanks for the ping, lj. I read down to MM’s post and saw this: “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
There’s the answer.
Great post, Laz. Will finish reading it later.