Jerry Lee Lewis?
Check usgs and see if they have anything mentioned..
M2.7 - 3km S of San Juan Bautista, California 2012-11-03 14:19:18 UTC
Ronaldus Magnus turning in his grave, maybe?
I’m in Gilroy almost on top of the fault.
My dogs are wheezing, snoring and asleep. So we ain’t got any tremors.
nah....probably just raccoons on the roof
Quiet in San Jose. Local construction/freeway repair/earth moving equipment running?
Morgan Hill - nada.
Me and my wife have been having vibes this week about the possibility of a quake here. Just feel queasy about the weird weather, first hot and now cold. If it’s gonna blow, it’ll happen on the Hayward fault, so check for activity there. Whatever happens there in the east bay will affect the peninsula almost as bad. We’re due for the Hayward fault letting loose, some 20 to 25 years after the 1989 San Andreas Fault ripping. No one knows how big it’ll be when that happens, might be small if we’re lucky.
I didn’t feel anything here in Salinas.
The West coast is going to slide. The “lost pets” section of the newspaper may be a help. If there is an increase in lost pets start to worry!
Early onset Parkinsons?
If you are in a hilly area, it could be earth movement unrelated to a quake. But as I recall Sunnyvale is pretty flat.
If you are in a hilly area, it could be earth movement unrelated to a quake. But as I recall Sunnyvale is pretty flat.