What if you had a Galt’s Gulch 2012. What would that look like?
What if the state refused Obamacare, and, piece by piece every federal dollar it possibly could?
It took care of it’s own schools, no federal dollars; handled it’s own welfare without federal funds - primarily by taking back the whole idea of charity from the government. On the community level, with churches and true charity.
It had an incredibly robust barter system, with high tech, and a barter currency, converting more away from fiat dollars to real goods.
Patients contracted with doctors on a retainer basis, and an independent true insurance cooperative along the lines of Woodmen of the World.
The state and the community operated on the philosophy of self reliance and independence from outside government. It accomplished this mostly by doing the things that citizens, mistakenly, abdicated to government piece by piece.
It’s citizens and leaders found incredibly creative ways to remove the federal government from having power over their lives.
Off the Federal Grid.