No, you don’t understand, they don’t want to work for their stuff, they want the gov. to just give it to them “free”.
Yes there is an element of that in a lot of people. But Obama and the dems are not really giving them very much. Some crappy programs that not everyone uses. trinkets. it’s an illusion that they will get all this stuff and stick it to the rich. What stuff?
Screw the scum that really want someone to buy them homes & feed them. write off those people. what I am saying is that we must focus on the masses of voters who want jobs, homes and the ability to buy stuff with their own money. they have been fooled by these dems’ ponzi scheme that turns into Greece. we offer economic growth which provides them lower taxes, jobs and security in that we are saving jobs, social security & medicare. Our side is offering tangible material benefits & security that has not been effectively communicated by our side.