Let us be honest:
Obama barely won, and he barely won in the swing states.
And Obama ran one of the most vile and disgusting campaigns on record.
He won it on Big Bird, Bain Capital, the bail-outs, and the War on Women.
I don’t buy into any of this nonsense about the Latino vote, because even if Bush had given them their amnesty, they would still go overwhelming for Obama just on the welfare state goodies.
More than 70% of all illegal and legal immigrants from Latin America are dependent on the welfare state.
The fact is if we give illegals amnesty, that is another 13 million added to the Democratic roles, plus all the chain migration.
It would be national suicide.
And the fact is many of these Northeastern states and Midwestern states are lily white and don’t have either a large black and Latino population.
We lost this election because of women and blue collar whites who benefit from the federal government’s largesse.
It is the welfare state, stupid.
And letting women vote.
There is no traditional cultural opprobrium against women being dependent on others in the way that men are expected to provide for himself.
Now, as women enjoy unprecedented power and affluence, they still consider it appropriate to be reliant on state subsidies. On the bright side, women will also be shouldering a greater burden of that cost.
Fun fact: the male-to-female ratio at the Univ. of Georgia is 38% to 62%.