Deb’s win is significant. Because GOPE was trying to influence the primaries.
For Ted Cruz, as if I didn’t know what really happened. But nuff said. For Sarah being credited for Senator Elect Ted, well you should have questioned all the articles (red and blue controlled media) that came out when Ted won the primaries.
For the swing state ... what can I say. Obviously Romney dragged the ticket down.
But for Allen West’s loss ... the Redistricting of GOP/E-controlled FL Republican leadership should be blamed for it. They hated him.
Ted Cruz won his race. He had a LOT of Texas supporters.
My point is larger than that.
It is expected for Cruz and Fischer to win. Red states.
What hurts is the many races we have LOST. Akin, Mourdock, Berg, Allen etc. Romney did NOT drag down IN and MO and MT. He won those states but the senate candidates still lost.
If Sarah helped in a primary, great, but that’s not the big deal. Winning in November is the big deal. if you dont win in Nov, you get a big heap o nothing.