The parasites now outnumber the producers - that’s the bottom line. God has given us over just as Paul warned. I’m now convinced the preppers are right. Better stock up on guns, food and ammo. And get right with the Lord.
We need a "like" button so I can like your post. It really IS that simple. DEMOGRAPHICS, MEDIA and MOOCHERS. PERIOD. DMM.
Demographics - Obama made inroads to a growing hispanic population via his fake dream act. He made inroads to women by crying and scaring. The GOP NEVER put together a defense...but acted like talking the truth was the third rail. There are now a lot of single moms. They are driven by emotions, by and large. He manufactured a war on women and the GOP never once stood up...looked them in the eye...and told them they were full of BS.
Media - Enough said. The GOP has to figure out HOW to use the the dems. Listen, I couldn't open youtube without seeing an Obama add. The GOP...and I said it in 2008...doesn't understand we are a changing landscape. They still don't get it. The GOP has to learn how to put together a hard-hitting truthful 15 second soundbite.
Moochers - Obama has created an underclass of peasants. They want bread and circuses from the empire. That underclass will grow.
Also...we have to find good candidates. Sorry...but people are not ready to vote for a mormon. I am a minister...and even though I did vote for Romney...that is a factor that prevented people from abandoning Obama. But Romney couldn't go negative on certain areas (Obamacare) because he was guilty of the same. The GOP has to FORCE the media to do their jobs. You do this by being the loudest person in the room.
Finally...Romney should have picked Rubio. I said it at the time...that he HAD to pick him. BUT...he picked a guy the right lies from a state with 10 EV's. WRONG.
So yes...prep, pray and get right with the Lord. You are gonna need it.