Dr. X, thanks for the post. I agree that Romney dropped the ball and could have run a more effective campaign. But in the end I’m not sure it would make a bit of difference.
America has chosen the government it wants and God will give America the government it deserves.
I have come to the sad realization that America is no longer a Christian Nation. We say we believe in God, but in reality Americans worship their Federal handouts and government programs and rely upon the government more than they rely upon God. We have reached the point where the populace has discovered that they can vote themselves money from the public treasury. The takers now exceed the producers. The Republic can no longer survive.
I don’t see this turning around without a complete collapse of the American economic system. As long as there are hard working American people paying their taxes there will be lazy, indolent people who covet the fruits of other people’s labor and who are more than willing to use the power of the government to steal those fruits and distribute them to themselves.
That is where we are.
As a nation we have become a majority of covetous tax thieves seeking to take the money from those who earn it and give it to themselves.
America’s sin is greed. But it is not the greed of those who work hard to produce the goods and services that drove this nation to the pinnacle of ecomonic freedom and success, but the greed of those who would use the power of the government to take the fruits of that initiative and labor.
The democrats have purchased their power using the money they have confiscated from the taxpayers and by borrowing against the next generation and the generation after that.
We are now at the point where the majority of the nation is receiving some kind of benefit from the public largesse and they are loathe to vote in anyone who might threaten the bounty they have received from their democrat benefactors.
I don’t blame Romney.
I don’t blame Akin.
I don’t blame Mourdoch.
I don’t blame Karl Rove.
I blame the American people. Shame on them.
Except they repent of their sins, this nation is doomed to collapse.
Our only hope is to turn to God, like the people of Nineveh. Repent, pray, fast... the whole sackcloth and ashes thing. I’m not sure I believe that will happen without some kind of really bad situation occurring that brings the whole nation to its knees.
This election was about our spiritual values. America has shown that it no longer has any.
I don’t have any other answers.
America has voted.
They have chosen their American Idol.
Now they have to live with him.
PM great post.
I just got off the phone with a Jewish friend who voted for obama the first time and voted against obama this time. He went on for about 5 minutes about how dumb the Jewish voters in FL were voting for obama. When he finished I said to him "it's the country, traditional values are passe now". He agreed, unfortunately he didn't see this decline until now.
I don't see how we are going to recover from this election. I feel so bad because I've failed my children's generation. They are growing up in a Godless society where everything is okay "as long as you're not hurting anyone" and they won't have the opportunity to pursue their interests that I had.