Even the lying squaw Elizabeth Warren won in massachushit.
We did not have a more liberal candidate than Scott Brown in Massachusetts, and he still didn’t win. And like you point out, his opponent was a self-created Indian.
Brown lost pretty big, too. I calls into question those who say that conservatives moving left would help them to win more.
Akin and the Indiana guy didn’t lose because they were conservative. They lost because they lost control of their tongues. In Akin’s case, his party then savaged him, but he might have lost anyway.
Which raises the point of polls. I kept reading polls saying these guys were back in the race.
Conservatives had their own pollsters and their own commentators who were the only ones they would listen to. The ones they hated were saying the electorate would be D+8. Well, it ended up D+6.
Our people were either sadly mistaken or they were simply telling us what we wanted to hear. That’s the last thing I want. If I’m getting shellacked early in the game, I want to know it. I can at least adjust fire then, try something different, re-group, re-organize.
But if my intel section is telling me all is well, then I’m blind.
Conservatives were blinded by soothsayer pollsters and commentators.