Well, Fox just called Ohio for Obama. It’s over; we lost. I’m going to bed.
May America reap the rotten fruits of the demon seed it’s sown.
Folks, buy a couple of good shotguns and three or four 40 cal or better pistols. At least go down fighting off the feral obamatoons. Chaos is the future of America now, as well planned by the globalist who run the world now. Try to survive the coming slaughters and don't let your kids join the military that these globalist bastards will use against We The no longer sovereign People.
In the end, I guess Jim got what he wanted after all ... Obama will rule for four more years rather than have Mitt Romney elected. I wonder, does Jim really believe there will be a chance in hell of ever winning a national election for conservatives values in the future Obamatron's handlers/masters have planned?