People pay a gazillion dollars to go see Springsteen and Jay Z and they can’t even get people to fill it for FREE?
I noticed this clever tweet on Twitchy thread about Springsteen writing a song for Obama:
"I was going to vote for Romney tomorrow but then Springsteen played a song I've heard 400 times before and now I'm going Obama" Said no one—
S.M (@redsteeze) November 05, 2012
I am absolutely SHOCKED. As you pointed out a FREE concert in DOWNTOWN Columbus enjoying the comfort of the fabulous Nationwide Arena for BOTH Jay Z and the Boss and they can't even draw 10,000?
When I heard they were planning this gig I thought that the place would EASILY be standing room only. Thousands would be turned away.
If this couldn't get the 0bots motivated, nothing will. I'm sensing the outcome for Ohio will be something along the lines of the Scott Walker recall victory. Romney is going to take Ohio and it won't even be close.
I never understood Springsteen’s following. When he sings he strains like he’s constipated. Plus his singing sucks.