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Dead heat for Romney and Obama in latest Michigan poll
Fox Detroit ^
Posted on 11/05/2012 7:40:35 AM PST by TigerClaws
Who are you most likely to vote for in the Presidential election - Democratic President Barack Obama, or Republican Nominee, Governor Mitt Romney, another candidate, or are you undecided?
Republican Nominee Mitt Romney 46.86% President Barack Obama 46.24% Another candidate 4.94% Undecided 1.96%
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TOPICS: Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Michigan
KEYWORDS: 2012polls; 2012swingstates; mi2012
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To: TigerClaws
I Can’t wait to see the expression on that pinched little face of Ozero’s nurse maid surrogate mommy, Valerie Jarrett, when he is mumbling through his bitter and trite concession speech.
posted on
11/05/2012 7:43:45 AM PST
(I am become Barry... destroyer of wealth)
To: TigerClaws
I believe that we are going to see Romney/Ryan win states (such as Michigan) that have not traditionally been won by Republicans in presidential races.
To: TigerClaws
Since Democrats will cheat, Obama will win Michigan.
To: whitedog57
Since Democrats will cheat, Obama will win Michigan. Praying that the cheaters are handled with Divine intervention.
posted on
11/05/2012 7:48:32 AM PST
Jane Long
(Soli Deo Gloria!)
To: TigerClaws
If Michigan is really this close it bodes well for the race on a national level.
posted on
11/05/2012 7:49:56 AM PST
(The MSM - America's (domestic) public enemy #1.)
To: TigerClaws
What’s up with 5% going to “other candidates?” That figure should actually be closer to .5% I suspect some of those responses are motivated by fear (could the union find out?). Maybe the majority of them will actually pull lever for Romney. Since the majority of the undecideds should be expected to vote Romney, he has a good chance of winning Michigan if the cheating factor is not too big.
To: wk4bush2004
Obama’s not ebonic enough for the racists who voted for him in 2008 so they won’t be voting at all this time.
posted on
11/05/2012 7:54:12 AM PST
(There's nothing like the universe to bring you down to earth.)
To: TigerClaws
Should be a run away state for Obama since he single-handedly saved the auto industry with his GM bailout!
posted on
11/05/2012 7:56:54 AM PST
(2012: Our Hope IS Change!)
To: NeverForgetBataan
mumbling through his bitter and trite concession speech. Do you think he will give such a speech?
I'm thinking he might just crank out the lawyer army on Wednesday and not speak.
Gracious, he ain't.
posted on
11/05/2012 8:01:40 AM PST
Izzy Dunne
(Hello, I'm a TAGLINE virus. Please help me spread by copying me into YOUR tag line.)
To: TigerClaws
Obama’s ‘08 margin was 16.44% in Michigan. Now a statistical dead heat in MULTIPLE Polls?
Obama’s ‘08 margin in Ohio was 4.58% but is also now a dead heat slightly favoring Romney?
I think the conclusion of the election will be that 2008 was an outlier election where due to the “unknown” blank canvas of the candidate, conventional voter decision making was skewed. I think that 2012 is going to be a more “conventional” election where normal voter patterns and decision making prevails. Also I think that due to ‘08’s “outlier” status, the polling in this cycle is off the charts all over the place. Dems argue that some segment of Independents is made up of “proto” Republicans, but when R voter registration has increased nationwide, I’m not sure how that argument holds water. If I’m right, and 2012 is a conventional race, then Romney will win by at least 6%.
posted on
11/05/2012 8:03:09 AM PST
(Practicing asymetrical thread warfare against anti-Palin Trolls)
To: whitedog57
Since Democrats will cheat, Obama will win Michigan.
I wouldn't count on it. We have a rock solid secretary of state and attorney general. Both of them were targets of fraud in 2010 and they are NOT tolerant of it at all. We also have a voter ID law firmly in place and recently purged the voter rolls.
posted on
11/05/2012 8:14:16 AM PST
(What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?)
To: TigerClaws
Beydoun is dem, but has had the most republican friendly polling in Michigan this year. Hopefully, they are right.
posted on
11/05/2012 8:26:33 AM PST
Darren McCarty
(Holding my nose one more time to get rid of Eric Holder)
To: cripplecreek
“We have a rock solid secretary of state and attorney general.”
Michigan’s chickens are coming home to roost.
posted on
11/05/2012 8:27:56 AM PST
(There's nothing like the universe to bring you down to earth.)
To: johncocktoasten
Also I think that due to 08s outlier status, the polling in this cycle is off the charts all over the place.
FReepers don't hear it because they're afraid of losing a favorite whipping boy but Michigan is trending rightward in the long term (Outside of the "historic" 08 election.)
John Kerry only beat Bush here in 04 by around 4% and that is questionable due to open fraud in Detroit that year. However our voting laws have tightened considerably since then.
2010 was a complete blowout election for the democrats. The GOP ran the table and the democrats didn't pick up a single seat above the county level. Even the seats they did hold cost them serious money they shouldn't have had to spend like John Dingell's seat who faced a late entry tea party challenger.
This year, the democrats appear to be concentrating almost entirely on holding the seats they have without mounting any real challenges to take new ones. Even the big pro union ballot proposals appear to be losing.
posted on
11/05/2012 8:32:07 AM PST
(What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?)
To: johncocktoasten
That 16% was partly due to McCain sucking so bad as a candidate. He quit the state, and made a public spectacle of himself doing it.
posted on
11/05/2012 8:32:20 AM PST
Darren McCarty
(Holding my nose one more time to get rid of Eric Holder)
To: whitedog57
Please do stop by on Wednesday for a nice crow sandwich ! :^)
posted on
11/05/2012 8:34:38 AM PST
( PAlabama '12 = RR = 300 +)
To: Darren McCarty
McCain was downright insulting.
You didn’t vote for me in the primary so screw you. LOL
posted on
11/05/2012 8:35:28 AM PST
(What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?)
To: TigerClaws
Michigan checks IDs, at least that’s what happened there in 2010.
To: equaviator; Darren McCarty
posted on
11/05/2012 8:52:13 AM PST
(What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul?)
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