“Being elected and re-elected is far more important to all of them than preserving the Constitution.”
Agreed. There are no “statesmen” in office these days. I was trying to explain to my 16 years old son the other day how it doesn’t matter what the issue is, neighter party will let the other have a “victory.” Meaning IF Republicans were to suddently embrace a concept that Dems had pushed for years....the Dems would block Reps attemptes to enact it (and visa verssa). It is ONLY about partisan victories now....nothing more. The Constitution is NOT revered nor anything that forms the basis of the compact that created this country. A conservative today is yesterday’s “moderate.” And a real conservative is a “radical” in the eyes of most. Hard core liberals are a true minority...but they weld and enordinate influence.
We don’t have “freedom of the press”....we have liberal control of the press.
Things are a real mess.
This has been true since soon after the founding, but it's taken this long for the federal government to accrete enough power to destroy the economy and social fabric of the country.
The battle ahead is between the people and the government, not between Democrats and Republicans. Ironically, many Democrats understood this in the '60s, but ended up supporting growth in government regardless. Among Republicans, only Barry Goldwater believed in reducing government power.
The only way "forward" now is to cut government programs (e.g, the Department of Education, the War on Drugs, the War on Airplane Passengers), and make credible plans to drastically reduce entitlements. But this will only happen when people understand that this is in their best interests. We have a long educational row to hoe. Perhaps the economic successes of South Dakota and Texas will help.