I think this poll had Obama up 8 on Oct. 22. Now its tied. The Mitt momentum continues.
This is like kissing my sister.
Wow, this is no rightwing poll, it has had Obama with a substantial lead all year. In the last poll Obama had a 7 point lead over Romney 49%/42%. Romney has the closed the gap over the last week!
If Romney is running neck and neck with Obama in a liberal state like NH, Obama is in big trouble.
Wish I could say I feel good about NH but there is just too many fleeing Bay Staters escaping the liberal hellhole that is MA to the NH cities of Nashua, Salem, and Manchester. From those areas, it's still a relatively easy commute to the Greater Boston area so people can move there to escape some of the taxes they voted for while not having to give up their jobs.
Unfortunately, most of these refugees take their Democrat voting ways with them. They have had it bred into them since birth that Republicans are evil and only for the rich. This is causing NH to shift demographically to the left and unless this trend is somehow reversed, NH will soon be as bad as MA.
So I actually feel better about PA, WI and IA than I do about NH right now. Would love to see NH flip red again but I'll have to wait and see to believe it.
Poll ping.
These polls showing a tie all indicate to me that Mitt Romney is way ahead. Come on Tuesday!!!!
This is the biggest pro Obama polling company in NH - they’ve artificially kept Obama up all year by as much as 15 points and suddenly it’s tied there?
Looks good in NH for sure. Romney wouldn’t have his final rally there if it wasn’t trending toward him.
Also the religious divide is very nice. 40 point gap amount church goers but only 26 points amoung non church goers...those church goers will be the ones delivering many of the swing states for Romney and are undercounted in most polls.
Not good news for Romney tied with Obama.
I didn’t see the dem bias in that poll. In our primary, 56% of the ballots cast for governor were for a republican. That is in a race with no incumbant and two hotly contested primaries. Either our election fraud coutermeasures are working or voter enthusiasm is skewing to the right.
With these expected Obama states MA/NH tied I am not sure how Rasmussen shows the nation as tied.