I’ll be in the minority here, but I sincerely do believe that Morris is writing here what he has come to feel over the course of maybe just the last few hours. Maybe he has heard some internal polling numbers — I don’t know. He probably still has connections to democrats in the know. I also feel his earlier stated concern is because he does want Romney to win, and simply gets nervous about it. And, he realizes motivation out of concern is a powerful factor. Maybe it will turn out that Obama’s Katrina occurred three days too soon for him to benefit.
From your lips to God’s ears.
Thank heavens! Someone with some sense. Morris predicted a Romney win. He noted Obama was getting a bump by appearing presidential. He is now saying that he believes the bump will fade because Obama has gone back on the attack.
Sheesh people. All the hand wringing and bed wetting here is making me sick. Morris is not “backtracking”. He’s providing analysis as the situation changes. We live in a fluid world. Try to keep up.