Jerry Rivers is an asshole delux
Didn't anyone notice how BOR (a consistently shrewd protecter of Obama) deftly inserted into the debate with Rivera that there was NO TIME during the whole length of the firefight and murder at the embassy for feints, relief or rescue of ANY type?
He stated this as a FACT, then quickly moved to another subject as though there's no other side to what he just said. He truly feels that HIS word from Mt. Olympus is all there is to be said on this issue.
O'Reilly, in his weasely, phony "fair and balanced", fence-sitting schtick is a NY closet liberal/statist. However, he's quite adept at fooling most of the people most of the time into believing he's a true conservative.
He's the most artful schmuck on TV at taking all three sides in a conservative vs. liberal debate with Geraldo or anyone else.
If Geraldo Rivera was a real journalist, he would look into, and report on, the credibility of Charles Woods.
Or, Rivera could explain why he considers the claim to be misinformation. The fact is that four people are dead. There has been no explanation or answer to Woods reasonable, informed concerns or questions. Many are wondering why the Democrats let them all die?
John 18:38 Pilate said to him, What is truth? The current administration would not know truth if it was staring them in the face.
As Bugs bunny would call him, he is an “Ultra Maroon”. . . .
FNC would be far better off if they traded Geraldo for an unspecified future draft pick. . . what a sold out doufass!
You go, Lloyd. You did big at the 2009 FR Convention!!!
Gerraldio Riviara has always been a silly fart of a man.
That idjit is also the intellectually inbred sack of stupid that:
1. Accompanied a patrol in Afghanistan. Went to great lengths to explain why the patrol needed to keep absolute sound/light discipline while it set up it’s night perimeter. All the while, having his own floodlights lit up so we could see his purty face live, on TV via satellite.
2. Also managed to get kicked out of his Iraq embed for excessive dumbassery.
3. Also made up horror stories at the NOLA stadium during Katrina coverage.
Jeraldo is a living, breathing, shining example of all that is wrong with modern “journalism”.