Uh huh.
Because that's what Mormons do, along with the animal sacrifices and consumating marriages on altars in the temple.
Good grief... Put down the Kool-Aid jug and step away from the keyboard.
Romney did first seek (and recieve) the approval of his Holy Prophet before running for president, and he has the backing of the Quorom of Seventy and the Prophet.
Mitt’s father was also a Bishop and Stake president as was Mitt, and a also presidential candidate.
No one knows exactly what decisions are made within the cult, but they have tied in millions of dollars to Mitt’s high profile as candidate and possibly president, and are adding about 8,000 recruiters.
Mitt is in the process of becoming a God, and that depends solely on the approval of his cult leadership, his current life and his destiny as a deity, is based on his relationship with, and service to, them.