A bill would definitely do it; one just like the one Sen. Dianne Feinstein proposed to make tunnels from Mexico to the US illegal.
No doubt they put up a TOAD CROSSING SIGN AS WELL.....
I swear, if I had a child as STUPID as some of these Liberal morons, I WOULD PERSONALLY KILL THEM, for the good of the rest of you.
Don’t know about the toad sign. But I do know about the sign PETA wants to put up in SoCal commemorating the deaths of fish killed in a traffic collision as their truck was transporting them to...many dinners.
And there is the woman (sorry, don’t know where) who wanted the “Deer Crossing” sign moved down the road to a safer place for the deer to cross. Evidently, the sign was for the deers’ information.
And these people vote, too.